Friday, July 9, 2010


So starting last night I was cramping and it continued into this morning. So I called the doctor, just to be sure! She told me that it is okay and normal as long as there is no bleeding involved, which there isn't so we are good there. She said I am dehydrated. Apparantly drinking 80 oz of water a day isn't cutting it! I need to be up to 120 oz a day. She also said that I need to do nothing ALL weekend but lay down. She was cute she said "tell your sweety that your not cleaning the house this weekend." She said with the high temps and my hormones rapidly changing that I just need to rest and "chug a lug."

So on that note, Ryan will be cleaning the house this weekend while I do nothing but watch movies and lay down! Need to protect this little bean!

Happy Friday and CHEERS TO MY WATER! :)