Friday, June 15, 2012

A post for daddy.... or my husband!

This weekend is Fathers Day and I thought what better than to do a post dedicated to Ryan.

There's the quote... "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone really special to be a dad" and that quote couldn't stand more true for him.

I know, I know... everyone probably thinks they have the best dad's in the world, or baby daddys, but seriously, Ryan is one that would make the books.

Let's start back to when I found out I was pregnant with Brynlee. I never saw more joy and happiness in one man's face, to know that he was going to be a father. He never missed a SINGLE doctor appointment or ultrasound. Not because I made him be there, because he just didnt want to miss a beat. It was interesting to see because at most appointments, he was the only guy in there or in the waiting room... and it didn't go unnoticed on my behalf. I knew I had a winner here.

I remember when we were waiting (not so patiently) to find out what we were having... a boy or a girl... most guys would give you the typical response (which is totally okay by the way), that they want a boy first... not Ryan... he wanted a girl. Everyone I told that to was pretty suprised, he wants a girl?! Yep, he sure did. He always wanted a baby girl and he got just what he wanted... and she's pretty darn amazing if you ask me.

While in the hospital giving birth to her, he never left my side, and was my biggest supporter the entire time. He massaged my back with each contraction, and offered to stay up with her when I just needed some much needed shut eye the first few weeks. His job offers 12 weeks of paternity/maternity time no matter dad or mom, so I was more than thankful to have him by my side during that time. We got to bond as a family, and its something I will never forget.

In the past 15 months since Brynlee has been here, he has proved to me in so many outstanding ways that he is really going to be the best father to her. Just like my doctor appointments, he has never missed a single one of her appointments either, whether it be well or a sick check up, he's been there for me and for her. I never had a relationship with my dad growing up, and I still dont with my stepdad. So for Brynlee to have a father she can turn to, is going to mean so much to me, more than he knows. He is protective over her... like he doesnt want her being in the sun longer than 30 minutes, and he most definitly doesnt want her off her nap schedule, and if she falls he is right there to pick her back up. I am trying to teach him she's gotta take a tumble to learn and he has gotten a lot better. He cuddles with her, he kisses her constantly and tells her how beautiful she is, and he puts her to bed every single night. They go upstairs, brush her teeth together, and he snuggles her for a minute and I always hear him over the monitor say, sweet dreams baby girl, I love you. Let's just say... it melts my heart every time.

Now that we have our little boy on the way, he has been no different, at every appointment and this time, he wanted a boy. He wants someone to play catch with and shoot pucks with, and looks like he getting just that. I cannot wait for him to hold his little boy in his arms and for us to enjoy another 3 months together, this time, with two little peanuts!

Father's day is hard for me, until the babies get a little older and we can start doing more things that they want to do for their daddy, its hard to think of creative gifts! So I hope he loves everything Brynn did for him, I am sure he will.

Honey, you are the best father, dad, and husband a girl could ask for. I get told by multiple people on a weekly basis, how great of a dad you are, and its something I already know. You truly are amazing. Thank you for being you, and for being the dad I always hoped my kids would have.

We all LOVE YOU! Happy Fathers Day!