Monday, May 16, 2011

Moving Day or Dday as I like to call it....

Dday is approaching, and quick! We move out this weekend... and as of right now our house looks a lot like this:

Boxes EVERYWHERE! But the good thing is... the house is PACKED. There is nothing more to pack minus the stuff we need for the week of course. Seriously... you never realize how much crap you have until you start packing it in a box. We ended up buying boxes from someone on craigslist that had movers so he had a ton of boxes. He sold me about 40 of them along with the pads (in the pic on the right) for our TV's, mirrors, etc. for 40 bucks! Sweet deal considering Home Depot was charging about 70 bucks for 20 boxes. I am getting anxious to move for sure!

I am excited to be living back in Gilbert, back near my friends, my roots. Where I grew up and where I know each corner like the back of my hand. I am excited to live with my sister for a few months because I never thought we'd live together again, so bonding with the men in our lives and the babies should be fun :) All of our friends have been very sweet to welcome us in their home if we ever need to escape, and whats even better is they live in Gilbert or close to it! Hopefully I will have some pictures of the framed house this weekend since that should be done now, we just haven't been back to see it since they started.

I will miss parts of Maricopa. I won't miss the drive even though its really not all that bad, I am excited to not have to do it. I will miss Yogurtland, yum. I will miss the small town feel and knowing that companies out here are trustworthy. And I will miss my fellow Maricopians. Have fun out here guys!

Packing has been interesting to say the least. We have had to pack for our storage unit (Pod) and also pack for living with my sister for 2 months. Its like double packing, a lot of conversation of "will we need this over the next 2 months?" has been happening in this house. And with a baby its even crazier. She will be getting into her 6 month clothes by then so we had to pack all her 3 month and 6 month clothes. Not fun.

Brynlee has been quite the observer this week watching mom and dad pack, with lots of play time in between of course... and lots of this happening:

hanging with her BUGS. She seriously loves staring at her bugs. I swear sometimes she loves those guys more than us! Sometimes she will be crabby and we stick her in the swing, tell her to hang with her friends, and she is happy as a clam. Silly girl.

So we move boxes and all our odds and ends in the Pod on Thursday with my dads help, and then Friday we will take apart any furniture ie. beds, take TVs off walls etc. and Saturday 2 great friends, Mike and Garrick are coming to help move the furniture in the Pod. THANK YOU GUYS.

One last thing, I wanted to say thank you to my sister and Jeff for opening their home to us for the next 2 months. It is going to be crazy and quite the squeeze but I hope we have some fun and create some memories together. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Love you guys!

I might be blogless for a few days so miss me while I'm gone and be jealous that I am moving, I know you are.

Until next time ;)

1 comment:

  1. YOU'VE BEEN IN MARICOPA THIS WHOLE TIME?! Why didn't I realize that? We could have hung out! I'm sure Carrie would LOVE Brynlee!
