Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Call Me Mrs. Lopez

I guess its all done! I am a Lopez officially. Got the new license and SSI card. Also changed my bank cards and credit cards. Went through the name change process at work. I think that will be the hardest part! I have tons of clients emailing me all day so for them to see a new name will probably throw them off at first, although most know I got married! Last thing I really need to do is change the bills and change my passport. That will happen over time. I also changed my personal email address, it is now SLopez612@yahoo.com so add that to your contact list!

You wait your whole life to get married, then it happens, you have the biggest dream wedding day come true. Once its over, its honestly... sad. I think about it ALL the time. How I wish I could go back in time and do it all over again. Not to change anything, just to do everything again. Like the rush of picking up all the fam from the airport, the rehearsal dinner, and of course the wedding! All the things leading up to it too, the bach parties and the bridal showers, and honeymoon too! Man, I miss it so much.

Ryan always tries to cheer me up by telling me, we have a BABY on the way. Which is so true. But, in all reality, I think I got too much joy out of creating paper poms and picking out flowers. By just thinking of all the creative things I can do to really make the wedding OURS. I dont know how people have wedding planners.. its too much fun to do it on your own. Well now that I am tearing up... I guess I will end this post!

To all you planning your weddings or getting married, ENJOY IT! Enjoy every single minute, because once it happens, you change your name and have babies! Thinking of vanilla or chocolate cake is out the window! (until the babies 1st bday of course!!)

Much Love~


  1. I know exactly how you feel! Isn't it sad changing your name? It is exciting, but at the same time I miss Whitney Marsh all the time!

  2. Yeah it is exciting for sure, but I dont know why, it made me SO sad! I feel like I am this different person now? Its so weird!
