Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's the little things...

I cannot believe our baby girl is almost 2 weeks old already! I wanted to document some of the little things she has done that have made us laugh our head off, smile and just love her so much more!

  • Dad went to school for 3 hours, came home gave you a kiss and went to change your stinky diaper. Mid-change you decided to shoot like a rocket, a poop at him. Classic Brynn, classic! Thats what he gets for leaving you :)
  • You've also pooped on mom twice. You are getting good at pooping mid change, little turd. But even better was when we were taking your newborn photoshoot, I was holding your naked butt and dad was holding your head, you pee'd all down my shirt. Thanks babe.
  • You have the CUTEST facial expressions when you sleep. Your lips turn into shapes I never knew were possible. Pictures to follow soon, I swear.
  • After you get done feeding you always have the biggest milk mustache, its adorable.
  • You have good dreams and bad dreams, your bad dreams sound like a whimpering puppy dog, its the saddest thing ever. But your good dreams, well you smile and smile big when your sleeping! (We know good dreams mean your dreaming about mom, and bad ones about dad, right???, only kidding! ;)
  • When you sleep and eat sometimes you coo like a little puppy too. I swear, its the cutest noise I have ever heard. I LOVE IT.
  • Your a thumb sucker, and its adorable... but mom just knows thats when your hungry so usually it comes out and the milk goes in! :)
  • You have the best hand placement. I know this sounds weird. But seriously, when your sleeping you know exactly where to put your hands to make you look like the biggest diva ever. Pictures to come on that soon too!
  • Oh and one last classic moment thus far. The mortgage company called yesterday on the new house. And RIGHT as I answered the phone, you decided to let a big one rip. A nice big fart. I was already answering the phone, and I just started to crack up laughing. The guy probably thought I was such a weirdo. Oh well, it was awesome and perfect timing baby girl. Perfect.
You are so amazing. You hardly cry, just when we wash your hair, honey you need clean hair! We dont need you to have oily roots, come on now. I am sure we are in for it because right now, well you've been QUITE the angel baby. Everyone comments on how chill you are and how gorgeous you are. Well we think the same of course. I always said when you were in my belly that I thought you were going to be a little bit of a problem child since you were SO active. But nope...! You are still extremely active and that is why you hate being swaddled. You like to kick and squirm your arms and legs around and dont like anything holding them back!

We love you SO much Brynlee. It is out of this world. Your dad has been amazing and I love seeing him as a father. You already have him wrapped. Lets keep it up! My love for him has grown to a whole other level. Seeing a man turn into a father is amazing.

This is just some of the things that has happened in a little less than 2 weeks. Man, time is going by fast. I can't wait to see all the other memories and little things you create for us. I love you baby girl!

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