Right before she went to doggy heaven
Today I wear a very heavy heart. I honestly, didn't think this day would be coming again for me and my family for a very very long time. We got Myla only a little over a year ago. She was still a puppy. I dont know if all of you know but I actually picked Myla out for my mom the same day that we had put our chocolate lab Milo down. Hence why we named her Myla, after our big brown cow Milo.
A lot of people are probably wondering what happened? I am still asking myself the same exact question you are. Last Tuesday Myla went in to get spayed. A very normal surgery procedure that all little puppy girls go through if their owners decide to do so to avoid her getting pregnant. My parents took in her in Tuesday 9/7 for her surgery. They went to a place called Niki's Place. It is a place that only does spays and nueters. Our white lab DOG, and my sisters yorkie had gotten fixed the month prior. Myla had to wait because she was on her period. Anyways, she went in for surgery and Wednesday morning my mom had noticed her just irritated on one spot on her back. She looked under the hair and noticed a little spot about the size of a dime or nickel. Very small. She had figured it was just a dry spot or maybe a little reaction to the surgery. As days passed Myla was still very irritated by that spot. By the time Saturday hit she had knawed on it so hard it was raw and all the hair had disappeared. The vet was closed so we had to wait till Sunday to do anything. Sunday the Niki's place was open so we were able to bring her back in.
We brought her in and the doctor had said, that she may have been burned from the heating table or had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. She wasn't sure. She told us she couldn't help us there and we had to go to our regular vet. When my dad took her to the regular vet, Niki's Place had called in the meantime and told her to bring him back. They felt very bad and wanted to see if they could treat her. She stayed at Niki's Place from Monday till today.
The mark that was once the size of a dime was multiplying by the hour. And her skin was starting to peel away away. My dad got a call this morning saying she needed additional care and there was nothing more she could do. In the meantime, Niki's Place didnt charge my parents anything for boarding her there and the treatment they were giving her because they felt so guilty.
My mom took her to the Emergency Vet because her original vet could not take her either. We arrived at the Emergency Vet and he had immediatly assumed she had been burned. Once we told him the situation he said it could be either or but his gut was that it was burn from the heating table. Which really only makes sense because where the two burn marks appear is directly where she was laying on the table. And the spot in between is where her spine would naturally arch. Anyways, he proceeded to tell us what would need to be done to save her.
He told us it would take anywhere from 2-3 months of at home treatment with warm compresses and complete isolation from the other dogs. On top of that it would take anywhere from 3-5 surgeries to "hopefully" be able to save her skin. The estimate for all of this was going to range anywhere from 4-6k. And that was just the estimate. So who knows what else would have come up along the way.
Needless to say, my parents financial situation does not account for 4-6k and 2-3 months of isolation from the other dogs would be very hard in itself. She would have been worth every penny but it wasn't even an option for us. Not only that, she was in pain and you could see it. And it would only be more painful for her over the next couple of months.
Warning: There are pictures below that are very graphic and for some, it may be hard to see. I just want those who want to see be able to see the damage that was done. I am not necessarily blaming it on Niki's Place, but it is very hard not to think that they did this. We dont know what happened the day of her surgery, and if someone accidently turned the table up higher than it should have been or walked away for a bit and she was on longer than she should have been. We dont know. So the pictures below are unknown to us if this was truly a burn or an allergic reaction. In my eyes, its a burn, clearly a burn. We plan to call "Call 12 for Action" just to let them know about the situation and possibly warn other families of this place. I just would hate to see this happen to more dogs.
Here is the damage that was caused:
Our last moment with Myla, we love you so much baby girl and please give Milo a high paw for us and we hope you enjoy your time in heaven!
I dont know if this was more hard on me because I picked Myla out and a little piece of my heart felt like I owner her. Or if it was because she really didnt get to live her life like she so deserved. She was so young and had such a long life ahead of her and I just think its not fair. The only thing keeping me going is knowing I get to see our baby on Friday.
Thank you for all your thoughts and well wishes, it means the world to us. Xoxo