Beckham Dean Lopez... Born October 10th, 2012 at 2:23am 8lbs 1oz and 19 1/4in long |
And so his little story begins....
It was Tuesday, October 9th when I woke up with my girl, Ryan had already left for work for the day. I got Brynlee ready for daycare since I had a doctors appointment that morning. She ate some breakfast and I dropped her off with her little buddies. I came home and showered and got ready for the day. It doesnt happen often anymore where its silent in the house so to shower without interruptions was quite nice! When I got out, I wondered if that would be my last shower before this baby boy arrived. Little did I know it would be. I texted my sister to see if she wanted to meet for breakfast before my appointment, and off to Ihop we went. The server was really sweet talking to us about how awesome it was we were pregnant together (and I couldnt agree more). She asked me when I was suppose to have him and I told him by Friday I would be induced if he wasn't here. We left breakfast and I drove to my doctors appointment. On the way there I got a call from the hospital and my work about my leave and my scheduled induction. Reality was settling in that I was having a baby this week!
I arrived to my doctors appointment about 10:50 and as I was walking in, I felt was might of been my water breaking. It never really gushed with Brynn so I didnt know for sure. I went in, met with a doctor there who isn't my regular doctor. I told her I thought my water might of broke on the walk inside. She checked under a microscope for amniotic fluid and said it hadn't broken. Which I thought was strange. Anyways, I left... and on the walk out... I felt the same gush. I called Ryan and told him I thought it was really weird because it felt the same way walking in as it did walking out but the doctor told me it wasnt my water. I decided I would walk around some more to see if anything would continue so I headed to TJ Maxx. I was in there for maybe 5 minutes when I knew in fact, my water did truly break. It was just too much to not of been my water. I called my doctors office but they were closed for lunch, so me and Ryan decided it was best I just went to the hospital to have them check it out again.
I cried on the way there. I cried because I was scared. So scared to bring a 2nd baby into this world. Sad of how I left Brynlee that morning and not feeling like I had said goodbye to her the way I had pictured in my head I would before I went into labor. She was just at daycare without a clue or care in the world that her mommy was about to have her baby brother. I was scared because I just had gotten told an hour prior, that it wasn't my water that broke... so I was confused and didnt know what the heck could be leaking that much. I was also upset at myself for not grabbing my hospital bag or already
having it in the car. So I had nothing prepared for going to the
hospital and knowing dang well that I wasn't leaving till I had a baby
in my arms. I pulled in to the parking lot, wiped the tears and said welp, this is it... bring it on baby boy!
I walked into triage, told the lady at the front desk, either I have an uncontrollable bladder or my water broke. I was just at my doctor an hour prior and she told me it didnt, but I am pretty positive it did. So she got me a room, Ryan showed up from work, they did some tests to see if it was in fact my water, and sure enough... it WAS. We were having a baby!
Just a fun fact, I had my membranes sweeped with Brynn at 38 weeks, and same with him. My water broke just 5 days after with her, and 4 days after with him. I was scheduled to be induced with both at 39 weeks. This was starting to feel like dejavu... only it gets better.
The nurse checked me and said I was 3cm and about 80% effaced. So we had a way's to go but the monitors were picking up contractions roughly 4 minutes apart. I was feeling most of them but they were not painful quite yet, just super tight.
Ryan left for home about 2:30 to get our bags, drop off his car and my sister met him and they went and picked up Brynlee from daycare. She was going to spend the night at my sisters house while we had this little man. They got back and I had just gotten into our room. Room 20. I was so overjoyed to see my little girl. She walked in with the sweetest look on her face and was trying to figure out why mommy was wearing this silly gown. The nurses took me off the monitors and told me to feel free to go for a walk so we did. We went to the cafeteria and got Brynn some frozen yogurt and she was feelin like a million bucks. When we got back we hung out for a while longer and Brynn started to get cranky so it was time to go. She left... and I CRIED... hard. She didnt want to leave me and I didnt want her to leave. It was that moment I knew that she would no longer be our only child and it was the last time I would see her and her be my only one. It was very bittersweet but I was also very excited to meet this little man of ours.
The doctor on duty came in around 5 to tell me that he got ahold of my doctor, Dr. Wilson. The same doctor that delivered Brynlee. He told me he would be at a play rehearsal with his daughter until 10pm that night and would check in after to see if I had delivered or not. If not, he would do his best to be there to deliver our boy. When I found out there was a chance he wouldnt be there, I got nervous. I just didnt know what to expect if we had another doctor delivering our babe. But only time would tell and really, Beckham got to decide if he could hold out or not. The doctor on duty thought I only had about 5-6 hours at about 5pm so it would really cut it close if he was right. If Dr. Wilson couldnt be there, Dr. Balk who I just so happened to see that morning who told me my water WASN'T broken, would be on duty. I needed Dr. Wilson to be there.
Then something really special happened. We got our new nurse at 6:30 for the new shift... in walked Christine. Me and Ryan looked at eachother and then probably screamed out of joy. This was the same nurse that delivered Brynlee! This could NOT be happening. Coincidence?! We were so extremely excited to have our same nurse because we just loved her before. She didnt recognize at first and was probably taken back by our reaction since we both freaked out, haha. But it only took a few things to bring her memory back to when we had our girl and she totally remembered.
I told you the dejavu gets better.
I was having contractions about 3 minutes apart but they were not painful... at all. That's when you know labor isn't really in full swing yet because when it is... they are notttt fun. They checked me at about 7pm and I was only 4cm. At least I was in active labor at this point... but this was 8 hours after my water broke, I had only progressed 1cm. Sound familiar? It was exactly what happened with Brynlee.
At about 8pm they wanted to start my on pitocin. They knew I was trying to hold off to do much to give us the best shot at getting Dr. Wilson but I figured by the time they started and it started to work, I had at least a couple hours. With Brynlee it took about 10 hours once they started me on pit, so I figured we were safe.
So pitocin started and contractions started getting stronger but they were bearable... 8pm went by... 9pm... 10pm... and the 11pm hour came by and things started to getting pretty intense. These were the contractions I remembered with Brynlee. The ones that hurt like nothing more I've ever felt in my entire life. I was going to attempt to breathe thru them the best I could giving myself another shot at no epidural. So the 11pm hour went by... and 12am hit... the contractions were about every 30 seconds to a minute apart and boyyyy did they HURT. Epidural it was. I couldnt do it any longer and I had no idea how many cm's I was, so my luck I was at a 5 or something.
The epidural kicked in and they checked my cervix around 1:15am... I was already 7cm. Woo HOO! I wasnt expecting to be that far along. I knew this little man would be here within the next couple hours! Me and Ryan were going to try and get some rest so lights out.
Around 1:30am I rang for my nurse. I was having tons of pressure... the kind where it felt like I needed to push. It seemed to quick but I told Ryan it just felt like it was the same when I was ready to push with Brynlee. Another nurse came in because mine had went to lunch so she checked me, I was 8cm... 1cm in 15 minutes? Woah. That was quick... but we still had 2cm to go.
Dr. Wilson lives about 30 minutes away and we had just gotten the word... HE WAS ON HIS WAY! I had to make it another 30 minutes... had to!
Just 10 minutes later I looked at Ryan and said... honey... it really feels like I need to push... so we rang for the nurse again... this time my nurse came in and was still chewing her food... she said woah girl.. you are moving fast!
She checked me... COMPLETE. I went from 7cm to 10cm in just 25 minutes. I told her I would cross my legs till Dr. Wilson arrived... he had to be here for his delivery.
They started to prep me for delivery and just like that, Dr. Wilson walked in... in his PJ's :) I felt so extremely special that he came in, in the middle of the night just for me. He was on vacation by the way. He asked if he had time to change and I told him to hurrrrry!!!
He came back in and the pushing started... and just like last time, he let me feel Beckham's head before it was out and let me grab by little man when he was coming out. 6 pushes later, we had our boy in our arms. And yes.... I laughed this one out too... of course Dr. Wilson was giving him a mohawk... what else would he do?!
Everything from my water breaking, to my nurse and Dr. Wilson, to my labor, to delivery was like dejavu with Brynlee. I was so convinced it would be so different this time around and Beckham is just doing a great job of trying to take after his sister already! It must of been all those talks she had with him while he was in my belly!
So there you have it little man... at 2:23am you arrived and were 8lbs 1oz of sweetness. 19 1/4 inches long measuring only 1/4 longer than your sister. You are absolutely perfect and you complete our family. Your daddy, your sister, and your mom love you SO much!
Perfection. |
Brynlee meeting her brother for the first time |
Our babies. Daddy is taking the picture so sadly, we didnt get one of us 4 together. But dont worry... many more to come! |
Oh and last thing... a lot of people were wondering where we got the middle name Dean from. Dean is Ryan's stepdad and just a few days prior to having Beckham his mom said we should name his Beckham Dean... we looked at eachother after that phone call and said how much we liked it. We decided we would pick his middle name once he was here. It would either be Anthony (Ryan's middle name) or Dean. Once he arrived I left it up to Ryan as I really did love both of them. He wanted Dean as Dean has always been an amazing father figure to Ryan and he thought carrying his name would be an honor. So Mr. Beckham... according to Ipa Dean... you are bound for stardom with that middle name!