Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012... Coming to an end..

I know.... I know... it's been forever and my blogging skills have really taken the back burner.

What can I say... having two kids isn't just work... its a lot of work! But the funnest work I have had!

First lets quickly catch up on the kiddos!

Brynlee... oh my sweet girl! She is such a bright, independent, beautiful girl. She is becoming SO big these days. It seems like yesterday we were celebrating her 1st birthday and I am now planning her 2nd birthday in just two short months. I swear the time just flys by. She is getting smarter and smarter with every day. She loves to sing (mainly her ABC's, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy, and head shoulders knees and toes) she knows the words to all of them. I love nothing more than when we are driving and I can just hear her sweet little voice in the backseat singing to me. It's the best thing ever. She is such an amazing big sister. I was so worried about her being jealous or not liking her brother, but this girl LOVES her brother. Immediately questions where he when she wakes up and wont go to bed without giving him a kiss... or five. She loves to help me burp him, throws away all his dirty diapers, helps him swing, gives him his binky if he cries. She is just really a GREAT helper. Occasionally she will want to feed him a snack of hers or lay on top of him, but its all out of love. She has an obsession with two baby dolls, I swear its a sign she is having twins someday, so mark my word! She is always carrying them both, never apart. Its the cutest thing. She also loves cars, trucks, choo choos, and planes. She had a great Christmas and Santa brought her a brand new play kitchen that she just LOVES. And she also loves her new scooter! We ride it to the mailbox everyday and shes got it down! I really cannot believe she will be 2 so soon. I love watching every little step of her growth and I wish I had her imagination. It is the best thing ever to witness.

And my sweet boy Beckham! I havent blogged about him since he was born... how sad! This boy is seriously the light of my life. He is the sweetest thing ever. First I will say... he is HUGE! Such a chunky baby and so solid! Future linebacker I am sure! He is full of smiles these days and coo's all the time. I love hearing him "talk". And so does his sister! He really loves his sister. Anytime she is around or comes up to him, he gets the biggest smile on his face. I think he truly looks up to her and I love it. He is already sleeping through the night at about 11-12 hours. Ammmazing. Best feeling ever as a mom is when you get your little one sleeping thru the night. He is already wearing 3-6 month clothes and all the newborn and 3 month clothes are pretty much done for. I just love this little boy of mine. I was always scared to have a boy but it truly is the best thing ever. I love that I will always have my girl AND my boy. I feel like I will get to experience the best of both worlds as a mom and its awesome!

The new year is approaching and I have a few new years resolutions so I just want to write them down so I can reference them back if I happen to forget :)

  • No more soda
  • Work out at least 3 x week ( I wish I could say everyday but with 2 kids, working full time and trying to be a mom, I am being realistic... I know everyday just wouldnt happen!)
  • Be a better wife. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in both babies that I forget to show my husband how much I love him. So I just need to get better at doing little things to show him I care and that he is noticed. 
  • Save more money. I wish I could be a better saver like Ryan is. I need him to help me on this!
  • Blog more! I will do my best at trying to get back to blogging at least once a month. It's a lofty goal since I am so busy but I will do my very best!
Well I've gotta get to bed! Got two crazy, amazing babies to wake up with in the morning! I hope everyone has a happy and safe new years and cheers to 2013!! Bring it on!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hello World... Beckham Dean Lopez

Beckham Dean Lopez... Born October 10th, 2012 at 2:23am 8lbs 1oz and 19 1/4in long
And so his little story begins....

It was Tuesday, October 9th when I woke up with my girl, Ryan had already left for work for the day. I got Brynlee ready for daycare since I had a doctors appointment that morning. She ate some breakfast and I dropped her off with her little buddies. I came home and showered and got ready for the day. It doesnt happen often anymore where its silent in the house so to shower without interruptions was quite nice! When I got out, I wondered if that would be my last shower before this baby boy arrived. Little did I know it would be. I texted my sister to see if she wanted to meet for breakfast before my appointment, and off to Ihop we went. The server was really sweet talking to us about how awesome it was we were pregnant together (and I couldnt agree more). She asked me when I was suppose to have him and I told him by Friday I would be induced if he wasn't here. We left breakfast and I drove to my doctors appointment. On the way there I got a call from the hospital and my work about my leave and my scheduled induction. Reality was settling in that I was having a baby this week!

I arrived to my doctors appointment about 10:50 and as I was walking in, I felt was might of been my water breaking. It never really gushed with Brynn so I didnt know for sure. I went in, met with a doctor there who isn't my regular doctor. I told her I thought my water might of broke on the walk inside. She checked under a microscope for amniotic fluid and said it hadn't broken. Which I thought was strange. Anyways, I left... and on the walk out... I felt the same gush. I called Ryan and told him I thought it was really weird because it felt the same way walking in as it did walking out but the doctor told me it wasnt my water. I decided I would walk around some more to see if anything would continue so I headed to TJ Maxx. I was in there for maybe 5 minutes when I knew in fact, my water did truly break. It was just too much to not of been my water. I called my doctors office but they were closed for lunch, so me and Ryan decided it was best I just went to the hospital to have them check it out again.

I cried on the way there. I cried because I was scared. So scared to bring a 2nd baby into this world. Sad of how I left Brynlee that morning and not feeling like I had said goodbye to her the way I had pictured in my head I would before I went into labor. She was just at daycare without a clue or care in the world that her mommy was about to have her baby brother. I was scared because I just had gotten told an hour prior, that it wasn't my water that broke... so I was confused and didnt know what the heck could be leaking that much. I was also upset at myself for not grabbing my hospital bag or already having it in the car. So I had nothing prepared for going to the hospital and knowing dang well that I wasn't leaving till I had a baby in my arms. I pulled in to the parking lot, wiped the tears and said welp, this is it... bring it on baby boy!

I walked into triage, told the lady at the front desk, either I have an uncontrollable bladder or my water broke. I was just at my doctor an hour prior and she told me it didnt, but I am pretty positive it did. So she got me a room, Ryan showed up from work, they did some tests to see if it was in fact my water, and sure enough... it WAS. We were having a baby!

Just a fun fact, I had my membranes sweeped with Brynn at 38 weeks, and same with him. My water broke just 5 days after with her, and 4 days after with him. I was scheduled to be induced with both at 39 weeks. This was starting to feel like dejavu... only it gets better.

The nurse checked me and said I was 3cm and about 80% effaced. So we had a way's to go but the monitors were picking up contractions roughly 4 minutes apart. I was feeling most of them but they were not painful quite yet, just super tight.

Ryan left for home about 2:30 to get our bags, drop off his car and my sister met him and they went and picked up Brynlee from daycare. She was going to spend the night at my sisters house while we had this little man. They got back and I had just gotten into our room. Room 20. I was so overjoyed to see my little girl. She walked in with the sweetest look on her face and was trying to figure out why mommy was wearing this silly gown. The nurses took me off the monitors and told me to feel free to go for a walk so we did. We went to the cafeteria and got Brynn some frozen yogurt and she was feelin like a million bucks. When we got back we hung out for a while longer and Brynn started to get cranky so it was time to go. She left... and I CRIED... hard. She didnt want to leave me and I didnt want her to leave. It was that moment I knew that she would no longer be our only child and it was the last time I would see her and her be my only one. It was very bittersweet but I was also very excited to meet this little man of ours.

The doctor on duty came in around 5 to tell me that he got ahold of my doctor, Dr. Wilson. The same doctor that delivered Brynlee. He told me he would be at a play rehearsal with his daughter until 10pm that night and would check in after to see if I had delivered or not. If not, he would do his best to be there to deliver our boy. When I found out there was a chance he wouldnt be there, I got nervous. I just didnt know what to expect if we had another doctor delivering our babe. But only time would tell and really, Beckham got to decide if he could hold out or not. The doctor on duty thought I only had about 5-6 hours at about 5pm so it would really cut it close if he was right. If Dr. Wilson couldnt be there, Dr. Balk who I just so happened to see that morning who told me my water WASN'T broken, would be on duty. I needed Dr. Wilson to be there.

Then something really special happened. We got our new nurse at 6:30 for the new shift... in walked Christine. Me and Ryan looked at eachother and then probably screamed out of joy. This was the same nurse that delivered Brynlee! This could NOT be happening. Coincidence?! We were so extremely excited to have our same nurse because we just loved her before. She didnt recognize at first and was probably taken back by our reaction since we both freaked out, haha. But it only took a few things to bring her memory back to when we had our girl and she totally remembered. I told you the dejavu gets better.

I was having contractions about 3 minutes apart but they were not painful... at all. That's when you know labor isn't really in full swing yet because when it is... they are notttt fun. They checked me at about 7pm and I was only 4cm. At least I was in active labor at this point... but this was 8 hours after my water broke, I had only progressed 1cm. Sound familiar? It was exactly what happened with Brynlee.

At about 8pm they wanted to start my on pitocin. They knew I was trying to hold off to do much to give us the best shot at getting Dr. Wilson but I figured by the time they started and it started to work, I had at least a couple hours. With Brynlee it took about 10 hours once they started me on pit, so I figured we were safe.

So pitocin started and contractions started getting stronger but they were bearable... 8pm went by... 9pm... 10pm... and the 11pm hour came by and things started to getting pretty intense. These were the contractions I remembered with Brynlee. The ones that hurt like nothing more I've ever felt in my entire life. I was going to attempt to breathe thru them the best I could giving myself another shot at no epidural. So the 11pm hour went by... and 12am hit... the contractions were about every 30 seconds to a minute apart and boyyyy did they HURT. Epidural it was. I couldnt do it any longer and I had no idea how many cm's I was, so my luck I was at a 5 or something.

The epidural kicked in and they checked my cervix around 1:15am... I was already 7cm. Woo HOO! I wasnt expecting to be that far along. I knew this little man would be here within the next couple hours! Me and Ryan were going to try and get some rest so lights out.

Around 1:30am I rang for my nurse. I was having tons of pressure... the kind where it felt like I needed to push. It seemed to quick but I told Ryan it just felt like it was the same when I was ready to push with Brynlee. Another nurse came in because mine had went to lunch so she checked me, I was 8cm... 1cm in 15 minutes? Woah. That was quick... but we still had 2cm to go.

Dr. Wilson lives about 30 minutes away and we had just gotten the word... HE WAS ON HIS WAY! I had to make it another 30 minutes... had to!

Just 10 minutes later I looked at Ryan and said... honey... it really feels like I need to push... so we rang for the nurse again... this time my nurse came in and was still chewing her food... she said woah girl.. you are moving fast!

She checked me... COMPLETE. I went from 7cm to 10cm in just 25 minutes. I told her I would cross my legs till Dr. Wilson arrived... he had to be here for his delivery.

They started to prep me for delivery and just like that, Dr. Wilson walked in... in his PJ's :) I felt so extremely special that he came in, in the middle of the night just for me. He was on vacation by the way. He asked if he had time to change and I told him to hurrrrry!!!

He came back in and the pushing started... and just like last time, he let me feel Beckham's head before it was out and let me grab by little man when he was coming out. 6 pushes later, we had our boy in our arms. And yes.... I laughed this one out too... of course Dr. Wilson was giving him a mohawk... what else would he do?!

Everything from my water breaking, to my nurse and Dr. Wilson, to my labor, to delivery was like dejavu with Brynlee. I was so convinced it would be so different this time around and Beckham is just doing a great job of trying to take after his sister already! It must of been all those talks she had with him while he was in my belly!

So there you have it little man... at 2:23am you arrived and were 8lbs 1oz of sweetness. 19 1/4 inches long measuring only 1/4 longer than your sister. You are absolutely perfect and you complete our family. Your daddy, your sister, and your mom love you SO much!


Brynlee meeting her brother for the first time
Our babies. Daddy is taking the picture so sadly, we didnt get one of us 4 together. But dont worry... many more to come!
Oh and last thing... a lot of people were wondering where we got the middle name Dean from. Dean is Ryan's stepdad and just a few days prior to having Beckham his mom said we should name his Beckham Dean... we looked at eachother after that phone call and said how much we liked it. We decided we would pick his middle name once he was here. It would either be Anthony (Ryan's middle name) or Dean. Once he arrived I left it up to Ryan as I really did love both of them. He wanted Dean as Dean has always been an amazing father figure to Ryan and he thought carrying his name would be an honor. So Mr. Beckham... according to Ipa Dean... you are bound for stardom with that middle name!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A family of 4....

As I sit here tonight and write this post there are many thoughts going through my head...

Our sweet girl is already in bed and fast asleep and its not quite 7pm here. Ryan is off to school to finish up this semester so he will finally have half of his degree completed. And I have my feet kicked up trying to take it easy as possible before this little man gets here.

The past few weeks I think reality really started to sink in. It is sinking in that Brynlee is not going to be our only baby. She will not be our 100% focus anymore, she will have to share some of that focus with her brother. I wouldn't say that I am "scared" but I am just anxious to see how this all goes down. I know you never share your love with your children, you just grow your love and make more room in your heart for the second baby. Is it weird to think my heart is so full of love between Brynlee and Ryan, that I am scared there is not room for more? I know that sounds crazy, and Beckham, when your reading this some day just know, that I will make room for you lil man, I promise! I think every mom I have talked to goes through this fear of having their second baby. From what I am told, going from 1 to 2 babies is a LOT different, but any more babies after that comes a lot easier. Probably because you are not used to having to split any time up when you only have one baby and when you have 2 or 3 or 4, you are used to splitting it up. Am I over thinking all of this? Probably. It's what I do best these days, I swear!

On the flip side of being nervous/anxious... I also cannot wait! I cannot wait to hold this lil guy. I cannot wait to see what he looks like and if he is going to be taller than his sister! I cannot wait to see Brynn take care of him as his big sister and then him eventually take care of her some day as her brother. I think having a girl first will give him a softer side, just naturally. He will learn to take care of women and learn the nurturing side that she so often prevails. I hear that is how it usually goes when the sister is the older sibling, and I love that. I cannot wait to have the newborn snuggles again, the nursing, the middle of the night wake up calls, the smell of a newborn, just everything! 

 I do think Beckham will complete our family. I think we are meant to be a family of 4. Me and Ryan have always said, we want 2 kids. We want 2 kids so that eventually down the line we can pay for their college education, we want to be able to help them buy their first cars and just give them an amazing life full of family vacations and amazing memories. We personally feel anything past two would be hard in the long run financially and we want to be able to give them the fullest life possible.

With all that being said... this little man will probably arrive before October 12th or 13th. My doctor is out of town my entire week of my due date, so me and Ryan both agreed we'd feel more comfortable getting induced to ensure we are able to get our amazing Dr. Wilson. I have a strong feeling he will arrive on his own before then, but if for some reason he doesnt, we want to know we Dr. Wilson to take care the best care of us that we know he will!

Only a few more weeks till I will be posting his birth story! Stay tuned.... :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

18 Months of my lil sweet babe!

How is it possible that our sweet girl is already 18 months? I swear the day she joined this world felt like yesterday and 1st birthday felt like minutes ago. Since her 1st birthday she has changed SO much in so many different ways. I know I dont blog as often anymore (lets be real, life's sorta busy) but I did want to document some of my favorite things about my sweet girl to look back on someday and have memories of. More for her sake of course then mine.

A few things that come to mind when I think of you, Brynlee:
  • Beautiful, sersiouly. Your eyes, your lips, your little buddha belly, your amazing curly hair, your adorable little button nose, even the fingers and toes. Everything about you is just beautiful and I hope you know that no matter who makes you feel differently someday, just know that we think you are the most perfect girl that ever came onto this earth.
  • Smart, always wanting to put together things, organize and your very good at listening to directions
  • Sassy at times, you've really peaked at the "tantrum stage" but we are learning how to deal with it. We've learned that just letting you cry it out isnt helping so we've been getting better at researching and reading about this stage and it seems to be helping!
  • Stubborn, you know what you want and when you want it. You've always been this way since the first night we had you home and tried to swaddle you. You hated every second of being held down or restricted. NOTHING has changed! In fact getting you to sit in your high chair these days is quite the task. Probably because you feel like you are being held down.. and god forbid.... :)
  • Independent. You are very good at playing by yourself and doing your own thing, but we all know how much you love playing with others too!
  • Dancer. You absolutely love to shake your booty. You hand me my phone and start shaking your butt so I will turn on my Pandora and you can hear some jams. We always have dance parties and I hope they never end.
  • Mothering instinct. You take care of your babies, just the same way I took care of you. It is crazy to see such a little person know what to do and how to handle a baby. Its like its built in you to be a momma one day. (And you will be a great one at that). You always share your milk and food with your babies and you are very loving to them.
  • Lovable. You give kisses on and off demand and they are mine and daddy's favorite kisses! Every night when daddy takes you up to bed I stand on your toy chest at the bottom of the stairs you and give me tons of kisses thru the stair railings. You typically hand dad your blankie and get down on your tummy and give me them. I love it and really hope it never ends... at least for a while!
  • The apple of daddy's eye. Seriously dad loves you so much Brynlee. Bedtime is your thing with him. He takes you upstairs and you guys "brush teeth" and then from what he tells me, you go on a search for your binkies in your room that you drop out of your crib. He turns off the light, you listen to your music, and you guys dance every night. Some nights you tell him "no no no" when he tries to put you down because you just want him to keep dancing with you.
  • Like to be loved on. You love getting your back and head scratched. You probably got that from me since daddy always tickles my back. You will point to your head until one of us start to tickle your neck or scratch your head. And you never want us to stop!
  • Maizey's best friend. You love your "kit kat". Every morning you wake up and say "hiiiiii kit kat" and you point and say maimee maimee. You just love your kitty. Dad and I got her for you when you were just 15 months. I hope she is in your life for a very long time and I know you will always take good care of her.
  • Momma's girl. I know one day you will be more of a daddys girl. But right now I love that you are a momma's girl. You typically want me to hold you or read to you. Your always saying mama mama and you give me the best hugs and kisses. I hope, even though I know you will be a daddys girl, that you will always consider me not only your mom, but your best friend. I hope you call me when things get hard in life, we shop till we drop or get our nails done together. All the fun things a mom and daughter should enjoy.
I am sure I am missing a few things in here but I think I got most of my bases covered. Here are some recent pictures of lil miss Brynn. We love you baby girl, to the moon and back and cannot wait for your brother to get here so you can love on him! Muah xoxo!

Just having our usual dance party in the living room after work. You love when I spin you around!

Future engineer? You love to put things together and you do NOT stop till you figure it out!

Always be daddy's little Michigan girl

Looking so grown up here. Adorable.

Your hair curls even in the bath tub. Dad loves giving you crazy hair do's when you are taking a bath!

You know where your brother is at. In mommy's tummy. But you love to show us your tummy too!

We love you Brynlee

Momma's girl

And daddy's little princess.

Here are to many many more amazing times with you, sweet girl!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Have you missed me?

Geeeeeeez hello to my blog followers. Have I been bad or WHAT? This whole being pregnant + having an active toddler = very hard to find time to blog!

Life has just been so crazy lately! I promise when I can think straight again, I will be back to blogging.

In the meantime, just know, I am 31 weeks pregnant with little Beckham, things are going great minus it being WAY to hot out. I swear this is one of our hottest summers. He is an active little guy and likes to party, right when I want to go sleep. I am in for it, I'm sure! Brynlee is doing great, saying baby and brother to my tummy all the time and anytime we ask her if she wants to go to her brothers room, she runs right in there and gets up on the rocking chair. I am sure she will be a feeding pro in no time! She really is going to be the best big sister.

I will get back to blogging soon, I hope!

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's July!

And you know what that means... Only three more full months of being pregnant and then the countdown to baby boy turns into just days! I am getting larger and larger as the weeks go by but people keep telling me I look tiny, so I'll take it! I have only gained 9lbs so far with this lil man and I am pretty sure when I was 24-25 weeks pregnant with Brynn I was up around 15-18lbs, so hoping that is a sign of whats to come. I am really not focusing on it too much since I know this is probably the last time in life I can use "I'm pregnant" as an excuse to constantly eat dessert. I think chasing Brynn this time around is really helping though! She is one active lil cookie :)

We are headed to California next Saturday and I CANNOT WAIT!!! After taking Brynn to the circus on Saturday and it being a complete success, I hope that is a sign for how Sea World and the San Diego Zoo will go. I think she will just love it! I love taking her on family vacations and I am so grateful we get to do them! We are there for a solid week staying at a beach house in Carlsbad which is somewhere I've personally never been, so I am stoked! This time will be a new adventure on the beach now that she is off and running since the last time when we went in March she was barely starting to walk. It should be a great time!

Here I am at 24 weeks with lil baby boy! Cannot wait to meet you, Beckham!
I also wanted to share a few pictures of the playroom that have been in the works! This room is an open den on our lower level that is right to your right when you walk in. It is perfect because we can shut all the downstairs doors, and Brynn can run wild between the main living space and the den. When we originally built I thought the playroom would be upstairs, and maybe someday it will move up there when they are older, but for right now, this space is PERFECT. We kept the desk and my bookshelf on one side that holds all of my craft stuff and I plan to spice it up a little more as time goes on, but for now, my stuff gets put on hold as Beckhams room is underway.

Anyways, I knew I wanted some storage for all of their toys but I wanted it at a height that they could get to their toys, but also looked neat when cleaned up, since you do see that room when you walk in after all. So we just went with some basic cubbies from bed bath and beyond and did a bench in the middle to help add some fun! Plus it holds a lot of Brynn's stuffed animals as their little spot, and she loves putting them up there :) She has learned how to pull all the bins out and pour them out but its perfect because we can throw the toys back in there and it looks perfect again! Along the main wall is 2 fabric bookshelves that I made. I kept the colors boy/girl and yes it looks a little more girly in there right now but a lot of Brynn's toys are pink so once Beckham gets here I am sure it will all even itself out. Right now there is a ball pit in the middle that my sister got Brynn for xmas but we plan to put a small activity table with 2 chairs and put a small shelf for crayons etc for arts and craft time! Also between the two cubbies and above the bench we are going to add just a small 24in tv for movie time. We dont have cable wired in there which is perfectly fine with me, it will keep it to a movie room! My mom gave me all my old VHS movies and a VHS/DVD player, so it will be perfect!

On the main wall, it was pretty large at 12 feet long so I needed something that would take up a good amount of space for art, but wouldnt cost me and arm and a leg. So I decided a gallery wall would be perfect! I got the prints off of etsy just as digital designs and printed them myself. There is a mix of flashcards with numbers and colors, three definitions; Happy, Love, Play and in the middle is "Playroom Rules". And of course I had to top it off with "Oh The Places You'll Go - Dr Suess" quote because that is my all time favorite childtime quote and one of my favorite books. I am really happy with how the room turned out!

In between those shelves is where the TV will hang :) Along with the VHS/DVD player on that right shelf

My desk with my sewing machine and in those storage bins is all my craft supplies, eventually will make this look prettier but for now, it works for me!

The "final" not quite complete yet, Playroom! I love how its transforming!
 Anyways, I hope you all have a great July and hopefully after California I can do an update with some pictures!! :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

A post for daddy.... or my husband!

This weekend is Fathers Day and I thought what better than to do a post dedicated to Ryan.

There's the quote... "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone really special to be a dad" and that quote couldn't stand more true for him.

I know, I know... everyone probably thinks they have the best dad's in the world, or baby daddys, but seriously, Ryan is one that would make the books.

Let's start back to when I found out I was pregnant with Brynlee. I never saw more joy and happiness in one man's face, to know that he was going to be a father. He never missed a SINGLE doctor appointment or ultrasound. Not because I made him be there, because he just didnt want to miss a beat. It was interesting to see because at most appointments, he was the only guy in there or in the waiting room... and it didn't go unnoticed on my behalf. I knew I had a winner here.

I remember when we were waiting (not so patiently) to find out what we were having... a boy or a girl... most guys would give you the typical response (which is totally okay by the way), that they want a boy first... not Ryan... he wanted a girl. Everyone I told that to was pretty suprised, he wants a girl?! Yep, he sure did. He always wanted a baby girl and he got just what he wanted... and she's pretty darn amazing if you ask me.

While in the hospital giving birth to her, he never left my side, and was my biggest supporter the entire time. He massaged my back with each contraction, and offered to stay up with her when I just needed some much needed shut eye the first few weeks. His job offers 12 weeks of paternity/maternity time no matter dad or mom, so I was more than thankful to have him by my side during that time. We got to bond as a family, and its something I will never forget.

In the past 15 months since Brynlee has been here, he has proved to me in so many outstanding ways that he is really going to be the best father to her. Just like my doctor appointments, he has never missed a single one of her appointments either, whether it be well or a sick check up, he's been there for me and for her. I never had a relationship with my dad growing up, and I still dont with my stepdad. So for Brynlee to have a father she can turn to, is going to mean so much to me, more than he knows. He is protective over her... like he doesnt want her being in the sun longer than 30 minutes, and he most definitly doesnt want her off her nap schedule, and if she falls he is right there to pick her back up. I am trying to teach him she's gotta take a tumble to learn and he has gotten a lot better. He cuddles with her, he kisses her constantly and tells her how beautiful she is, and he puts her to bed every single night. They go upstairs, brush her teeth together, and he snuggles her for a minute and I always hear him over the monitor say, sweet dreams baby girl, I love you. Let's just say... it melts my heart every time.

Now that we have our little boy on the way, he has been no different, at every appointment and this time, he wanted a boy. He wants someone to play catch with and shoot pucks with, and looks like he getting just that. I cannot wait for him to hold his little boy in his arms and for us to enjoy another 3 months together, this time, with two little peanuts!

Father's day is hard for me, until the babies get a little older and we can start doing more things that they want to do for their daddy, its hard to think of creative gifts! So I hope he loves everything Brynn did for him, I am sure he will.

Honey, you are the best father, dad, and husband a girl could ask for. I get told by multiple people on a weekly basis, how great of a dad you are, and its something I already know. You truly are amazing. Thank you for being you, and for being the dad I always hoped my kids would have.

We all LOVE YOU! Happy Fathers Day!